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An esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is a procedure undertaken by #gi#doctors to help diagnose disorders of bleeding of the upper GI tract. In addition to ruling out causes of bleeding, an #egd is helpful to characterize acid reflux disease, presence of ulcers, and to biopsy masses concerning for #cancer .☝️ Under anesthesia, any patient needs to study supply of oxygen and fresh air.
☝️Because the EGD scope is inserted into the mouth, many people think that they cannot provide oxygen to the with a traditional face mask.
👉A "one-way valve" can be created by creating a circular array of slits into the plastic cone of a face mask.
👉The camera can be inserted via the valve into the patient's mouth via a bite block.
👉The presence of the camera will allow oxygen to flow into the patients nose and mouth without significantly leaking out of the mask.

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